
Do Hurricane Windows Increase House Price

In this detailed cost guide we walk you through everything you need to do know how much hurricane proof windows cost, the different types of hurricane windows and the pros and cons.

First, starting with the nuts.

What are Hurricane Proof Windows?

Hurricane Windows are designed to receive impact, usually caused past severe weather condition – like a hurricane. The glass used to make these touch on resistant is much similar the glass found on the windshield of an automobile. Although they are extremely hard to break, if they do, the drinking glass volition resist shattering and suspension into larger, less dangerous pieces.

1 automobile
Before touch on glass was used for homes, it was mostly used to create windshield panels for cars. Motorcar makers were happy to observe an impact resistant cloth to use during the car boom.

How are Hurricane Windows Made?

This protective barrier is made by layering two pieces of tempered drinking glass onto a thin piece of shatterproof material, commonly polyvinyl butyral or PVB. Depending on where you live, the glass may take a certain thickness requirement, meaning the manufacturer would layer several more pieces of glass onto the shatter proof layer.

The PVB layer is besides bachelor in a range of thicknesses. The thicker the PVB, the stronger the window. Some manufacturers also offer polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a much stronger material (which is reflected in the cost). Impact resistant windows are extremely difficult, some would even say incommunicable, to pause.

Who Needs Hurricane Windows?

This is a peachy investment for anyone living close to the shoreline. Storms, severe wind and hurricanes are a major threat to properties located along coastlines. If yous alive near the shore and plan to install new windows, you lot may exist required to upgrade to an touch on resistant variety. Not all counties have requirements, specially those counties located in more inland areas, but places in Florida like Miami-Dade county, and where I live in the Tampa Bay area, are much more probable to require upgrades when replacing your windows.

2 coastal homes
Homes like these, located directly on the shore, are sometimes required to upgrade to hurricane windows by the county.

What are the Unlike Toll Factors?

There are many different toll factors when the time comes for all of your customizations. Y'all'll need to scout out for the size of the window, the type of frame, the blazon of glass, manner of window, insulation level, and of course labor. Go on in listen how much the free energy saving benefits of this investment tin can save yous.

How Does Window Sizing Work?

The biggest cost factor is window size, the bigger the window, the higher the neb. The average window costs about $500, not including labor. Some of the fancier and much larger styles tin run up of $2000 per window. My parents are currently remodeling their home and were quoted a toll around $25000 for all new impact windows and doors. The bill tin run steep in the window business, simply in that location are many prophylactic and financial benefits of investing in shatterproof glass.

3 large window
A big window like this costs more than smaller ones, similar those found in bathrooms or kitchens.

What are the Different Frame Cloth Options?

The frame tin can be either aluminum or vinyl. Aluminium frames aren't that much more expensive than vinyl, and seem to be what is recommended for those whose homes may actually be impacted past a tempest some twenty-four hours. Vinyl is gaining popularity due to their lower cost tag and high levels of free energy efficiency. Vinyl adds a lot of insulation which keeps out the hot or cold, and can generously lower the monthly electric beak. If you like what touch windows accept to offering but don't live near the shoreline, consider vinyl frame windows!

Those of you out there who, like me, live x minutes from the beach – aluminium frames are your best bet. Although slightly less energy efficient, these most likely Still offering you much more insulation than you currently have. Ultimately, impact glass is designed to keep those who may experience holding damage safe, warm and dry.

What About Glass?

The last major cost gene is the blazon of glass you choose to use. To make a standard touch window (essentially, laminated drinking glass), y'all sandwich a piece of shatterproof material in between two pieces of tempered glass. To brand insulated laminated glass, manufacturers follow the same procedure, only add a layer of insulation, by advisedly sealing a pocket of air in between the sheets of glass. This feature is generally recommended for those living in much colder climates.
4. kitchen windows
Insulated windows like these can go on harsh atmospheric condition exterior from disturbing the environment in your abode.

Are In that location Different Glass Options?

There are ii unlike types of glass upgrades: low emissivity and glass tint, which are available from most companies. Low emissivity or Low East glass is a type of glass that acts as some other layer of insulation. The glass works pretty much like a barrier for the weather condition conditions outside, be that rut or common cold. This characteristic is highly-seasoned to many considering it doesn't limit any natural sunlight from entering the home.  The glass absorbs the UV and infrared low-cal from the sun. This allows the inside of your home to Look warm and sunny, without that warm and sunny FEELING.

You can also choose to have you lot glass tinted. Some companies may offer tinting and have a selection of colors to choose from.  You can even turn tinting into a DIY project. Tint is safe to apply to impact glass. Don't worry about breaking the glass, much like you do when tinting glass that is not impact resistant. Some pop tint options include bronze, blue, green and night grey.

Remember, this will tint the sunlight that enters your home through the windows – so if you choose to tint, brand sure y'all cull an option that really suits your specific taste.

How does Installation Touch the Cost?

Every visitor seems to have their own specific pricing plans for installation, but y'all tin nearly likely plan on paying anywhere from $400 – $1200 per window for installation. The total cost of installation can cost as much equally $3000 to $10,000. Installation toll factors include, how large the home is, how many windows the home has and how large each window is. Although this tin can be pricey, it's important to call up that an touch window volition only piece of work well, if its been installed well. Installation is definitely an area to consider spending extra time and money researching to find the best choice for your home.

5 window installation
Installation of bear on windows is merely as of import as the windows themselves. They structurally support the frame and require advanced installation.

What Different Styles are In that location?

Affect windows come in a multifariousness of options. Here are some of the more popular styles available:

  • Casement Style: Hinges similar a door, and swing out and open. Frequently seen in kitchens, or bathrooms.
  • Fixed: Often called picture windows, are made from a large piece of solid drinking glass that cannot be opened. This style is wonderful for entryways, living rooms, nifty rooms and dining rooms!
  • Single Hung: Open up from the bottom and slide upward. These are suggested for hallways or areas of the home where a lot of movement may be happening since they don't take up whatsoever space swinging in or out.
  • Double Hung: Open from the bottom sliding upwards, or from the acme sliding downwardly! These are much like the unmarried hung windows in terms of space and add just a fiddling more than customization.
  • Sliding Windows: Open horizontally. These are swell at making an older dwelling house look new, offering a modern flare.

6. sliding window
This is  a slider window which glides open. There are many different style options when it comes to impact windows.

How Long do Hurricane Windows Last?

Nigh companies offering a lifetime guarantee, or something similar. Some companies volition give you lot a 25 year guarantee and recommend you get your home inspected after 20 years to brand sure there are no issues.

What are the Other Benefits to Hurricane Safe Windows?

Impact drinking glass can offer many unlike benefits including added prophylactic when it comes to accidental injuries. This do good is quite maybe priceless. I had a friend in high school who was a ballet dancer. While she was practicing i afternoon, she fell backwards through her family unit's sliding glass door and landed herself in the emergency room. Her injuries kept her out of the dance studio for the adjacent few years and she plant herself in a wheelchair for a couple of months. Accidents happen, maybe impact glass tin can make them happen a piffling less.

This training video is used to demonstrate the indestructible backdrop of impact windows.

Aside from the farthermost safety benefits, impact glass has a few other benefits that are definitely worth mentioning

  • Racket Reduction: Much like they assist to insulate your home from harsh conditions outside, they besides help to go on dissonance outside. If you live in a large city, nigh a busy road, or maybe fifty-fifty a train track, consider hurricane windows to help keep the inside of your dwelling house comfy and quiet.
  • Bullet Proof: Custom glass thicknesses can brand your windows bullet resistant, and fifty-fifty protect y'all from a bomb boom.  Forget the bunker, who needs it when you have a practically indestructible dwelling house?
  • Intruder Safety: Hurricane windows basically make your home infiltrator proof, or at least as close to it as yous can get. Impact glass is VERY difficult to break. Even if an intruder were able to shatter the glass, the webbing effect would keep them from removing the glass and gaining entry to your habitation.

7 shattered window
Touch on windows can shatter, only will still stay structurally intact after breaking. Some other peachy safety do good during storm season.

What is the History of Bear on Windows?

Impact windows are a relatively new utilize of impact resistant glass, which has been around for over 100 years. Impact drinking glass was an accidental discovery made afterwards a scientist unknowingly coated a piece of glass in melted downwardly plastic. This discovery was first used to make protective gas masks for World War I. People caught on to but how much  this glass was capable of, and it gained popularity chop-chop, being used to brand windshields for vehicles throughout the early on 1900s.

In 1992, Florida was ravaged by Hurricane Andrew, the second most plush hurricane in the US. S Florida was hit especially difficult – with 65 deaths and over 20 billion dollars in belongings damage, much of which was structural. Afterwards learning this data, Miami – Dade Canton was quick to respond to this tragedy, and updated its code requirements to include impact rubber structures in 1994.

8 palm trees
Hurricane Andrew was a category 5 hurricane, that ripped through florida at speeds upwards to 174 MPH.

Final Thoughts

As someone who has lived much of their life along the declension of Florida, I tin can say with conviction that hurricane windows can be a great investment – for those who are seeking to protect their homes from storms, particularly – but also for those who are looking to protect their families, their pets, and themselves- in full general. Even if you don't live on a coastline, or in a place with harsh or astringent weather, hurricane windows can offer yous protection from accidents, intruders, unpredictable atmospheric condition and outrageous electrical bills. Our homes are where we go to feel safe and secure. Impact windows can help to accomplish just that. They are strong, durable and guaranteed to contribute to the safe and wellbeing of everything y'all keep inside.

9 snowy house
Bear upon windows help proceed your home warm, condom and cozy.


Do Hurricane Windows Increase House Price,


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