
How To Keep Heron Out Of Pond

Ane of the major issues when owning a fish pond full of Koi or goldfish is predators, especially herons, they fly downwardly, wade into your pond, snatch your fish, swallow them at that place and and then or accept them away to eat later.

Y'all tin can't blame them, they are predators by nature, this is how they feed themselves, you lot just wish they would practice it elsewhere and not in your pond.

Herons are very persistent birds but they tin can be deterred.

In this commodity we are going to look at deterrents to help keep your fish safety from herons and likewise give you some facts about the feeding habits of herons.

Why practise herons attack garden ponds

They don't just attack garden ponds, they volition hunt wherever they can find food.

In their hunt for food they tin travel vast distances, so a visit to a garden swimming is not uncommon.

The fact that garden ponds are minor, meaty and full of fish compared to its natural hunting ground like large lakes, rivers and canals simply shows you why a pond is very attractive to herons.

When do herons attack garden ponds

Herons usually attack ponds only as dawn breaks in the morning time and at sunset in the evening.

As they get to know your pond, they will get more and more confident that it's a safe identify to fish, so they can offset attacking your pond throughout the twenty-four hours.

They hunt all year round, but during the wintertime when your fish move to the deepest role of your pond the heron will stop attacking your pond and feed on land based casualty.

Do herons fish at night

Although herons don't usually fish at night there is a once of the month that they take been found to fish and that'southward effectually the full moon.

How do I know a heron has attacked my swimming

If you have noticed some of your fish have gone missing from your pond you need to wait for tell-tale signs of a heron attack.

Expect for feathers in and effectually the pond, broken plants where a heron would naturally wade into your pond, torn netting and fish that have been attacked and injured but luckily got away.

If yous find ane or more than of the above information technology'southward more than likely your pond has had a visit from a hungry heron looking for a repast.

How many fish do herons swallow a day

Information technology depends on the size of fish, an adult heron can consume effectually half a kilogram of nutrient per day.

Fish weighing around 200g are the perfect size for a heron, so two to iii fish a solar day would exist about right.

Do herons hunt alone

Yes herons do hunt alone, they are very territorial birds and volition take their own hunting grounds that they like to stick too.

They are also very lone feeders and don't like eating if there are other herons close by, they would rather avoid getting into a fight for a fishing spot, that existence said if they are very hungry they would take a take chances and land almost some other heron to grab a seize with teeth to eat.

Do herons country in water

No they don't land in the water, they land on solid basis effectually your pond and wade in.

They are non like seabirds that dive into the water from flight.

How do herons take fish from ponds

The heron wades into your pond to take your fish, it stands perfectly still waiting for a fish to go by, at this betoken it will strike out with its neb killing the fish.

Once the fish has been killed the heron will eat it whole or grab information technology with its claws and fly of to swallow it.

How deep does your swimming demand to exist

The deeper your pond is the more your fish will be protected, annihilation less than 24″/600 mm deep is very inviting to a heron, nigh volition hunt in waters that are no deeper than nearly eighteen″/450 mm, then don't go far piece of cake for them.

The deeper the pond the safer your fish are going to be. Having steep sides to your pond also hinders the heron as they like shallow water to wade into.

Pond positioning

If you take not yet built a pond and are worried near herons choose an area near to your house where herons are less likely to come.

If this is not possible or you lot already have a swimming thats away from the business firm endeavor to brand information technology with vertical sides or use lots of shrubs to terminate the heron wading in.

Are herons protected

Aye, grey herons are protected nether the UK Wild animals and Countryside Act 1981, bluish herons are also protected in the United States.

Killing herons tin can incur hefty fines and even a prison house judgement, you accept been warned.

What is the best heron deterrent

Below is a option of deterrents to go on herons away from your pond, you might detect that merely one of the deterrents works for you lot, simply if you have persistent heron attacks you lot might desire to try a mixture of deterrents to protect your fish.

Practise plastic heron decoys piece of work

Heron decoys can piece of work for a short period of time, the heron flies over your swimming and spots the decoy, it thinks it's another heron and flies on.

Afterward a while the heron will cotton wool on that this decoy is not the real thing and will fly downward to investigate.

Ane style to confuse the heron is to move the decoy effectually your pond every day or 2, this will give the impression that the decoy is alive, but herons are clever and volition eventually ignore it.

Sometimes it has the opposite issue, especially during matting season, the heron volition be looking for a mate and volition think your decoy is the perfect partner.

If the decoy is smaller than the heron that wants to go angling in your pond information technology might come downward and challenge the decoy.

A heron decoy, even if they don't piece of work is a overnice improver to your garden pond.

In that location are plenty of heron decoys for sale at kingdom

Fishing line

The fishing line method is well know and used by many pond owners. It relies on strong line-fishing line being strung back and along beyond the edge of your pond were a heron would normally wade in.

Having the fishing line criss-cross at different heights is the best way to prepare it out, the heron will walk into the fishing line and won't be able to work out how to get past it, it gets baffled, frustrated and panicked, eventually giving up and flying off, plus at the same fourth dimension the fish will be alerted to the dissonance of the heron and volition accept comprehend in the deepest part of your pond.

Fishing line is not that visible but information technology still shows up and tin can look a bit ugly, on the plus side it'south very effective and it'southward inexpensive.

Floating swimming plants

Floating pond plants requite protection to fish when a heron is nigh, if the fish are swimming nether the plants the heron won't be able to come across them, a heron tin can't hunt what it tin't see.

The only trouble is, as soon equally your fish swim away from the plants and into clear view of the heron, information technology will strike.

If yous have Koi y'all might notice they eat a lot of floating pond plants and in doing and then will give articulate view to the heron, using floating planters will assist cease your Koi from eating your floating plants giving more than protection from the herons, plus the floating planters can exist positioned in the area where a heron is likely to fish.

In that location is a drawback to this method, if your heron can't see your fish to hunt them neither can yous.

Air stones

Air stones and aerators are an effective manner of protecting your fish from herons, the water move from the bubbling coming to the surface from air stones volition hinder the herons vision and it will not exist able to see your fish.

You simply demand to have the air stones near the shallow area of your pond where the heron would naturally wade in, simply having them all effectually your pond limits the heron'southward ability to see your fish when flying above, air stones are not only adept as a deterrent but are practiced for your swimming, supplying extra oxygen.

A fountain does a similar job by adding motility to water, frequently the heron volition fly by your pond if it tin't come across your fish.

Have a separate switch for your air stones, this is and so yous can turn them off when you want to observe your fish, only retrieve to plow them back on when you leave the swimming.


Sounds like a strange sort of deterrent but dogs that bark at at the slightest move can be a not bad deterrent.

Evidently your dog is not going to be in your garden all mean solar day long protecting your fish, but if a heron has visited your garden on several occasions and been chased of by your dog barking and chasing them on each occasion it's going to deter them returning.

Tunnels and caves

A cave or a tunnel built into the pattern of the pond is a safety identify for your fish to go and hide.

If you have a pond without a cave you can purchase a koi kastle, or build something similar, these can be placed into the bottom of your pond after the ponds been congenital, they are also a bully place for your fish to shade from the sun.


Sound in your garden volition put off a heron visiting your pond for a spot of line-fishing, if it thinks there is someone or something that could harm them they will wing on.

Using a radio set to a talk evidence is a great way to deter a heron, the sound of people talking is a real put off, and they will keep well abroad.

Wind chimes

Air current chimes are another source of deterrent that use sound to deter herons from visiting.

As long as there is wind they practise have an result, the all-time ones are the shiny ones that give of a reflection and twinkle in the lite.

Motion sprinkler

A motion sensor sprinkler is i of the all-time deterrents when it comes to herons, in fact it's a adept deterrent to all predators that fancies a fish meal.

They are simple to use, just connect a garden hose piping, the sensor will detect movement and shoot out a sudden and startling jet of water for a couple of seconds, this is enough to transport the heron packing.

Merely remember they are a movement sensor, and so there'due south a good take chances your'e going to get a soaking at some point.

At that place are plenty to choose from at


Putting netting over your pond to protect your fish from herons is in my opinion the all-time solution, that said it'due south probably the ugliest solution, you desire to see your fish pond around in your pond rather than looking at them through some sort of netting.

If you practice go for netting make sure it'south well higher up the surface of the pond, if the netting is as well low or floating on the surface the heron will nonetheless exist able to attack and kill your fish through the netting, it won't be able to take your fish away, but you still end up with dead fish.

Having netting roofing your pond does take its issues, it hinders swimming maintenance and feeding your fish, marginal plants are also probable to get caught in the netting if the netting is not loftier enough.

Accept a look on britain to come across what's available.

Pond floating guards

These are floating discs that bladder on top of the h2o, they look like spider webs, you prune them together until you have covered your pond.

The idea of this organization is the heron volition step onto the discs, the discs will wobble on the surface and the heron won't be able to stand up on it, they will get frustrated and fly off.

1 problem with this system is yous volition have to clean them on a regular basis as they tin collect a lot of found detritus.

Check them out at


Fencing effectually a swimming has 2 benefits, it stops the heron from wading into your pond and protects young children from accidentally falling into your swimming.

You lot only need a pocket-sized fence, we are not talking about a big fence, just large enough to terminate a heron stepping over it, but information technology does need to be shut to the border of your pond, if yous leave besides much ground between the debate and the water the heron will use this bit of basis to land on.


Landscapping with plants effectually your swimming can have a adept effect, the foliage can limit the access to your pond.

Herons are a cautious bread, they would rather have a clear area with no planting to get access to your swimming, and a quick getaway once they take defenseless your fish or are disturbed.

The right plants will not just protect your fish from a heron attack but as well enhances your pond.

Pond dye

Swimming dye is an interesting approach to deter herons from catching your fish, the idea is it creates an illusion that you accept a deep pond plus information technology will exist harder for the heron to see your fish as it flies overhead.

Electric contend

An electric fence is another alternative for protecting your fish from a heron attack.

It's non something we would recommend particularly if you take pets or small children, but they can exist effective.

The electric contend volition give a pocket-sized shock every time the heron touches it, it's not a dangerous shock, only plenty to tell the heron to go elsewhere to fish.

There'due south a adept selection on


Placing mirrors effectually your pond has its benefits in the fight against herons stealing your fish.

When they see their own reflection in the mirror they call back at that place's another heron in the vicinity and will often wing off to avert confrontation.

Position the mirror on the contrary side to where a heron is likely to land and wade into your swimming, as the heron moves its reflection will move giving the impression that there'south another heron.

These are keen for smaller ponds as yous would merely need a modest mirror in the optimum position, for a large pond you would demand a very big mirror or a option of smaller mirrors doted around your pond.


If you lot see a heron in your garden the all-time matter to do is run at them with your arms flapping, bear witness them who'due south dominate.

Shouting at them does piece of work, simply use simple terms like "Hey" rather than using long sentences like "go away from my fish you little ba****d", this seems to work best.


Plastic alligators that float in your swimming are designed to scare the heron, they take been known to work, merely just as the plastic heron decoys herons can get used to them.

To exist honest they probably wouldn't work that well in the Britain, alligators are not native to this country and then are unlikely to deter a greyness heron the aforementioned style it would a bluish heron, that beingness said anything that a heron is not expecting could be a deterrent.

You can purchase them equally just a caput or full body, place them in the shallow water where a heron is probable to wade into your swimming for best results.

As with plastic heron decoys, these alligators are an interesting addition to your pond, having a head poking out from pond plants would spook anyone.

There'southward a good assortment on


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