
How To Keep My Chickens Safe From My Roosters And My Roosters Safe From Predators

FOX 3-16-2014

This pull a fast one on is one of our predators.

Raccoons and foxes and hawks, oh my!

No affair where you lot alive, there are predators that are a danger to your flock of chickens.  Most people expect predators in rural settings, but they are likewise in urban and suburban settings.

Well-nigh are sneaky, lurking at different hours of the day or night, depending on the predator and where you live.

Here are the Meridian 10 Chicken Predators, merely some common predators are:

  • carry
  • bobcat
  • cat
  • coyote
  • canis familiaris
  • fox
  • hawk
  • opossum
  • owl
  • raccoon
  • rat
  • skunk
  • snake
  • wolf
  • weasel

Overall, if you have experienced problems with something trying to gain (or something that has gained) access to your flock, attempt installing a trail camera.  This will take pictures or videos of the predator.  You lot can then equip yourself to deal with the trouble appropriately.

Hither are 8 tips for keeping your chickens prophylactic from predators:

1. Chicken coop – Audit for gaps and holes, making the necessary repairs. Some predators will sneak in even the smallest gap.  If possible, raise the coop off the basis at least a foot to discourage things like rats and snakes from getting underneath.

With straw to protect against weather.

 two. Windows and vents – These should take some type of mesh to help prevent small animals from gaining access.

Inside there are 8 nesting boxes, roosts for night, and vents for circulation.

Inside at that place are eight nesting boxes, roosts for night, and vents for apportionment.

3. Enclosed run – Fencing, such as chicken wire or welded wire should be nailed to woods (we used 2 x 8'southward) on the ground, or sink the wire directly into the ground. This makes information technology harder for the predator to dig under, compared to the fencing only resting on the basis.

Evidence of a digging predator, whose efforts were foiled past cached hardware cloth.

iv. Covered run – Poultry netting tin aid keep aerial predators at bay.

Picture showing the door to run and its enclosed area.

big door barrel lock, small door hook latch

Large door barrel lock, small door claw latch for now, simply may need upgrading.

5. Guard animals – Trained dogs, llamas, and donkeys tin can exist helpful in scaring abroad predators. A rooster volition crow when danger is nearby.  Although nix is completely effective, the commotion made by these animals will, if zilch else, go your attending.

vi. Remove nutrient at night – Leaving food of any type volition really lure predators.  Finding chickens volition be an added bonus for them to eat.

7. Lock the chickens in the coop at night and close the run door – Fifty-fifty if you let your chickens accept gratuitous rein, it is helpful to close them upwardly at nighttime for added protection.

 8. Install an anti-predator device – Nite Guard Solar can be used as protection for night time predators, activating at dusk.  It has a flashing light that is sensed as an eye and therefore threatening to predators.

Taking some extra precautions like these may help in keeping your flock rubber.

Read more than on predator prevention:

– Acme ten Chicken Predators
– 10 Tips for Predator-Proofing Chickens
– Neighborhood True cat or Predator
– Patriotic Predator: The Bald Hawkeye
– Protecting Chickens from Predators
– Go along Predators Away from Your Flock
– Predator Summer
– Proper Planning for Chickens


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